a5c7b9f00b After the "presumed" end of the Mexican Revolution, Porfirio Alcalá and his four cousins peacefully become farmers. Albeit when Fregoli brings to them the news of Madero's death, the five cousins leave Palo Quemado to resume their livesrevolutionaries. The now one-eyed Melitón returns and abducts Coralillo and Cocorito in a secret plan to ambush and kill Porfirio and his cousins. However, Porfirio successfully sieges Melitón's outpost and rescues Coralillo and Cocorito. Upon hearing the news of Madero's death, Porfirio Alcalá and his four cousins interrupt their peaceful livesfarmers to again join the Mexican Revolution.
destrandema Admin replied
338 weeks ago